Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kelvin changes his life to provide for his family

When Kelvin came to Fairbridge Western Australia in October 2008 he didn’t know what he wanted to do – only that he wanted to change his life to be an example to his son and provide for his family.

Kelvin says before Fairbridge, he really struggled to find work.

“Fairbridge has helped me turn my life around and now I am doing what I love and have a career,” he said.

He was initially enrolled in the Certificate II Conservation & Land Management and during the course found his passion for maintenance and construction. He was offered a place in the National Pilot Indigenous Building Maintenance Traineeship Initiative launched at Fairbridge in April 2009 by the Training Minister.

In April this year the Minister presented Kelvin with his graduation certificate along with more than 40 other graduates from Fairbridge’s programs. On the same day Kelvin was signed up in a Fairbridge carpentry apprenticeship.

“I felt proud to graduate in front of my partner and family and in a few years I will be graduating as a carpenter thanks to Fairbridge,” Kelvin says. “Fairbridge took the time to help me find a way forward, to succeed and find something I love doing. I want to be able to provide for my family and for my children to be proud of me. Thanks to Fairbridge, this can now happen. Since being at Fairbridge Kelvin’s family continues to grow, with a third child on the way.

Kelvin is being trained by Josh Billing, who was Fairbridge’s first indigenous carpenter. Kelvin says his aim is to one day be doing Josh’s job.

“I have been able to make lots of friends at Fairbridge and seeing other boys get through the program has really helped me on the way.”

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